Families Families with surname NIELSEN Choose a letter to show families where a spouse has a given name which starts with that letter.A | Å | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | ALL
Families with surname NIELSEN, RBoth alive Widower Widow Both dead Roots Leaves Marriage ? Marriage>100 Marriage<=100 Divorce Reset FAM INDI Name HUSB:GIVN Age INDI Name WIFE:GIVN Age Marriage Place Last Change MARR DEAT TREE
1 F1685 I5057 Nielsen, Rasmus Father: Sørensen, Niels Mother: Eschildsdatter, Margrethe
RASMUS 36 I6357 Christensdatter, Kirsten KIRSTEN 42 208 1 YES Y
2 F1069 I5755 Nielsen, Rasmus RASMUS I5756 Christiansdatter, Marie MARIE 5 U Y R
3 F1643 I4897 Nielsen, Rasmus ~ Krøl ~ Rysse Father: Pedersen, Niels ~ Krøl Mother: Pedersdatter, Ane Elisabeth ~ Rysse
RASMUS 24 I4898 Hansdatter, Anna Margrethe ~ Rysse ANNA MARGRETHE 25 178 0 YES Y
4 F852 I3734 Nielsen, Rasmus ~ Møller RASMUS 28 I1834 Jensdatter, Karen KAREN 27 237 0 YES Y R
5 F1740 I5232 Nielsen, Rasmus ~ Bonde ~ Lander Father: Pedersen, Niels ~ Bonde Mother: Rasmusdatter, Margrethe
RASMUS 31 I5357 Jørgensdatter, Maren ~ Lander MAREN 33 228 0 YES Y
6 F1687 I5057 Nielsen, Rasmus Father: Sørensen, Niels Mother: Eschildsdatter, Margrethe
RASMUS 52 I6360 Madsdatter, Johanne Father: Dawidsen, Mads
JOHANNE 48 191 0 YES Y
7 F1686 I5057 Nielsen, Rasmus Father: Sørensen, Niels Mother: Eschildsdatter, Margrethe
RASMUS 43 I6218 Olesdatter, Ane Katrine Father: Sørensen, Ole Mother: Sørensdatter, Zidsel ~ Worm
8 F99 I499 Nielsen, Rasmus ~ Bolt ~ Ebbe Father: Pedersen, Niels ~ Bolt Mother: Nielsdatter, Maren
RASMUS 30 I114 Pedersen, Maren ~ Ebbe Father: Hansen, Peder ~ Ebbe Mother: Nielsdatter, Karen
MAREN 20 147 1 YES Y
9 F1231 I6639 Nielsen, Rasmus Father: Nielsen, Niels Mother: Rasmusdatter, Dorthe
RASMUS I6640 Simonsdatter, Ane Kirstine ANE KIRSTINE 5 U Y
10 F1830 I5755 Nielsen, Rasmus RASMUS (unknown), (unknown) @P.N. 1 U R
11 F1472 I4417 Nielsen, Rasmus RASMUS (unknown), (unknown) @P.N. 1 U R
12 F1900 I6112 Nielsen, Rasmus Mikael Father: Michelsen, Niels Mother: Rasmusdatter, Mette Marie
RASMUS MIKAEL 37 I6111 Egelund, Karen Marie Laursen Father: Stephansen, Laurs Mother: Pedersdatter, Ane
Given NamesShow parents Total families : 12HUSB:GIVN Given NamesWIFE:GIVN Show statistics charts MARR DEAT TREE