Hans Larsen  ‎(I1057)‎
Surname: Larsen
Given Names: Hans

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: 26 March 1825 33 24 -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
Personal Facts and Details
Birth 26 March 1825 33 24 Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Christening 27 March 1825 ‎(Age 1 day)‎ Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Vaccination 19 August 1826 ‎(Age 16 months)‎ Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Census 1 February 1834 ‎(Age 8)‎ Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Show Details Source: FT1834 - Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

  Text: FT 1834 - Sorø, Ringsted, Braaby, Braabye, , en Gaard, 50 F2
Lars Hendrichsen, 43, Gift, , Indsidder og Dagleier,
Ane Olsdatter, 33, Gift, , hans Kone,
Ane Hildeborg Larsdatter, 12, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn,
Hans Larsen, 9, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn,
Kirstine Larsdatter, 6, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn

Confirmation 7 April 1839 ‎(Age 14)‎ Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Globally unique Identifier A269C010A0A1C442A4682109E8E61F5DA2D4
Last Change 11 July 2007 - 01:03:24
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Parents Family  (F223)
Lars Henrichsen
1791 - 1866
Ane Olsdatter
1801 - 1844
Ane Hylleborg Larsdatter
1822 -
Hans Larsen
1825 -
Ingeborg Kirstine Larsdatter
1827 -

There are no Notes for this individual.

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Parents Family  (F223)
Lars Henrichsen
1791 - 1866
Ane Olsdatter
1801 - 1844
Ane Hylleborg Larsdatter
1822 -
Hans Larsen
1825 -
Ingeborg Kirstine Larsdatter
1827 -

Census FT1834 - Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
  Text: FT 1834 - Sorø, Ringsted, Braaby, Braabye, , en Gaard, 50 F2
Lars Hendrichsen, 43, Gift, , Indsidder og Dagleier,
Ane Olsdatter, 33, Gift, , hans Kone,
Ane Hildeborg Larsdatter, 12, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn,
Hans Larsen, 9, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn,
Kirstine Larsdatter, 6, Ugift, , de Sidstes Børn

View Sources for ...

Parents Family  (F223)
Lars Henrichsen
1791 - 1866
Ane Olsdatter
1801 - 1844
Ane Hylleborg Larsdatter
1822 -
Hans Larsen
1825 -
Ingeborg Kirstine Larsdatter
1827 -

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Parents Family  (F223)
Lars Henrichsen
1791 - 1866
Ane Olsdatter
1801 - 1844
Ane Hylleborg Larsdatter
1822 -
Hans Larsen
1825 -
Ingeborg Kirstine Larsdatter
1827 -

Family with Parents - [View Family ‎(F223)‎]
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Lars Henrichsen ‎(I470)‎
Birth 4 December 1791 38 37 -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
Death 9 April 1866 ‎(Age 74)‎ -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
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Ane Olsdatter ‎(I1055)‎
Birth 1801
Death 12 May 1844 ‎(Age 43)‎ -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
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Ane Hylleborg Larsdatter ‎(I1056)‎
Birth 5 June 1822 30 21 -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
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Hans Larsen ‎(I1057)‎
Birth 26 March 1825 33 24 -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark
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Ingeborg Kirstine Larsdatter ‎(I1058)‎
Birth 31 January 1827 35 26 -- Bråby S, Ringsted H, Sorø A, Danmark

Hans Larsen
Lars Henrichsen
Ane Olsdatter
Henrich Andersen
Hilleborg Jensdatter
Anders Hendriksen
Mette Nielsdatter
Hendrich Madsen
Birthe Christensdatter
Mads Kjeldsen
Karen Henrichsdatter

Hendrich Hansen
Anne Jacobsdatter
Christen Nielsen
Maren Ibsdatter
Niels Christensen
Inger Nielsdatter

Niels Laursen
Margrethe Christoffersdatter

Jens Larsen
Susanne Larsdatter

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