Birth | 11 October 1873 35 26 Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Christening | 14 December 1873 (Age 2 months) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Birth of sibling | 14 February 1877 (Age 3) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Sister: Ellen Norme Sørensen Winther (I7018)
Birth of sibling | 29 April 1879 (Age 5) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Sister: Sørine Rasmine Sørensen Winther (I7016)
Census | 1 February 1880 (Age 6) Else Marie Sørensen Winther, 6 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Source: FT1880 - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark Text: Viborg, Hids, Balle, Balle, , Skægkær, , FT-1880 Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested Anton Sørensen Winther, 41 , Gift, Husfader, Husfæste, , Balle sogn Johanne Kirstine Rasmussen, 32 , Gift, Hustru, , Hundslund sogn Else Marie Sørensen Winther, 6 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Ellen Marie Sørensen Winther, 2 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Sørine Rasmusine Sørensen Winther, 1 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn
Birth of sibling | 16 January 1882 (Age 8) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Brother: Niels Sørensen Vinther (I7015)
Birth of sibling | 5 February 1883 (Age 9) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Sister: Mikaline Jensine Sørensen Vinther (I6870)
Death of father | 22 October 1884 (Age 11) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Father: Anders Sørensen Vinther (I6871) (Age 46)
Burial of father | 29 October 1884 (Age 11) Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Father: Anders Sørensen Vinther (I6871) (7 days after death)
Census | 1 February 1890 (Age 16) Elise Marie Sørensen Vinther, 16 , Ugift, Datter, Syjomfru, Balle sogn Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark
Source: FT1890 - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark Text: Viborg, Hids, Balle, Øster Bording, , Sindingvej, Skægkær, Nr. 2. hus, FT-1890 Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested Johanne Kirstine Rasmussen, 42 , Enke, Husmoder, Jordbruger, Hundslund sogn Elise Marie Sørensen Vinther, 16 , Ugift, Datter, Syjomfru, Balle sogn Ellen Norme Sørensen Vinther, 13 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Sørine Rasmine Sørensen Vinther, 10 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Niels Sørensen Vinther, 8 , Ugift, Søn, , Balle sogn Mikaline Jensine Sørensen Vinther, 7 , Ugift, Datter, , Balle sogn Marie Katrine Morrats, 21 , Ugift, , Syjomfru, Frederiks sogn Johannes Georgsen, 49 , Ugift, , Bestyrer, Vinderslev sogn
Globally unique Identifier | 6FFA6BEB1EA673419FE286A9AA6ED77A5061
Last Change | 28 December 2005 - 00:00:00