Biografi - Hans Laurids Sørensen ‎(1073)‎ ‎(S171)‎
Title Biografi - Hans Laurids Sørensen ‎(1073)‎
Text DK:
Emigrerede til Wellington, New Zealand d. 18 marts 1907. Beskægtigelse blev registreret som "arbejdsmand". Under skibets navn står "indirekte", hvilket betyder, at han ikke rejste direkte til Wellington, men formodenligt sejlede via England. Ingen oplysninger er fundet omkring ham i New Zealand. Man regner med at han kæmpede og døde under 1. Verdenskrig.

Emigrated to Wellington, New Zealand on 18 March 1907. Occupation listed as labourer. Under the ship's name is the entry "Indirekte" ‎(indirect)‎ which means that he did not travel directly to Wellington, but probably sailed to England first. No records have been found of him in New Zealand. It is believed that he fought and died in the First World War.

Biografi - Hans Laurids Sørensen (1073)

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I1073Sørensen, Hans Laurids
   23 August 2012 - 9:37:54pmMYESYES

Total individuals : 1