Timeline Chart
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Birth -- about 1801 Frederiks S, Lysgård H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1834 (Age 33) Jacob Philipsen Riteh, 33, Gift, , Gaardmand - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1840 (Age 39) Johan Jacob Ritz, 38, Gift, , Gaardmand - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1845 (Age 44) Johan Jakob Ris, 43, Gift, , Gaardmand, Frederiks sogn - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1850 (Age 49) Johan Jacob Ritz, 49, Gift, , Husfaderens Svigerfader der af ham forsørges, Frederiks sogn - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1855 (Age 54) Johan Jacob Ritz, 57, Gift, Husfaderens Svigerfader der af ham Forsørges, , Frederiks sogn - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1860 (Age 59) Johan Jacob Ritz, 60, Gift, Husfaderens Svigerfader der af ham Forsørges, , Frederiks sogn - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |
Census -- 1 February 1870 (Age 69) Johan Jacob Ritz, 70, Enkemand, , Aftægtsmand, Frederikshede, Frederiks sogn - Balle S, Hids H, Viborg A, Danmark |